GreenScreen Animals will be adding 3D chimpanzee models to their stock footage library. The following video shows how they digitally preserve the anatomical integrity of the chimpanzee which can be be re-purposed in an indefinite number of ways for education, research and entertainment.
Last year marked GreenScreen Animals’ first attempt at digital 3D scanning, and it was a great success. With the help of Clon Data Studios, a portable digital scanning company, GreenScreen Animals successfully scanned these majestic animals to create a full-body 3D digital model. This represents the first time that geometrically accurate 3D scans will be avalable for licensing. Computer graphic artists will have the ability to integrate this high resolution model within a mutitude of projects such as features films, commercials and video games.
The importance of using a chimpanzee as our first 3D digital scan is largely due to the growing scarcity of chimpanzees in the entertainment industry. Our goal is to digitaly preserve their likeness therfore eliminating the need to use of the real things. The humane treatment of animals is one of our primary concerns at GreenScreen Animals. We work closely with American Humane to insure the animals health and wealfare while on set.