The alligator is one of the Alligatoridae family’s largest reptiles. Alligator belongs to the genus Alligator from the Crocodilia order.
Quick facts:
Although they may seem identical to most of us, Alligators and Crocodiles can be told apart by their color and shape details.
Alligators have black or gray coloring on their backs with a cream-colored underside, possess a U-shaped snout, and are generally smaller than crocodiles. Crocodiles are on average larger, mostly green or brown, and have a V-shaped snout.
The American alligator (named so because they live exclusively in North America), can typically be found in freshwater, slow-moving rivers. Gators also live in swamps, marshes, and lakes located across the US coastal regions from North Carolina to Florida on the Atlantic coast.
On average, a male American alligator will weigh around 500-600 lbs (227 to 272 kilograms), The alligator can weigh up to 1,000 lbs (454 kilograms).
An average alligator’s size and length vary depending on its sex, with male alligators measuring 11.2 feet (3.4 meters) from snout to tale, while females are usually smaller, averaging around 8.2 feet (2.6 meters).
Footage details: Alligator white screen footage
An American alligator snapping forward and turning right. You can use this clip as a simulation of nature and wildlife. This alligator footage was shot using a white background with a Panasonic VariCam at 29.97fps.
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