The grizzly bear, also known as the North American brown bear, is part of the genus Ursus, which includes other bears such as the polar bear, the American black bear, and the Kodiak Bear.
Quick facts:
People in North America tend to use the term “grizzly bear” to refer to the smaller and lighter-colored bears occurring in interior areas, and use the term “brown bear” to refer to the larger and typically darker-colored bears located in coastal areas. Both bears are considered the same subspecies.
Grizzly bears have a dished face, short, rounded ears, and a large shoulder hump. They have very long claws on their front feet that give them extra ability to dig after food and to dig their dens. The North American Grizzly, despite its name and reputation, is actually one of the most omnivorous animals in the world. A wild grizzly’s diet will consist of just about anything it encounters in its local habitat, and only a small portion of that diet typically comes from prey.
Grizzlies are capable of running at a max speed of 35 miles/hour (56km/h). Males are commonly heavier than females: a male grizzly bear can weigh 400–790 lb (180–360 kg) on average, while an adult female would weigh 290–400 lb (130–180 kg) on average.
Footage details: Bear green screen footage
A brown grizzly bear walking forward and growling, in green screen background. This brown grizzly bear footage was shot in 23.98fps on a RED camera, and is available today in 1080, 2K, 3K, and 4K. All of our footage is chroma key ready, and our team is happy to help meet your production and post-production needs.
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