Recently we decided to put our designers to the test to create an entertaining and educational video for kids using the various animals from our library, and we couldn’t be happier with the result. What they made was Real Animal Alphabet, a 4-minute video for children where each letter of the alphabet is represented by an animal from our library. A is for Alligator. B is for Bear. Now kids can read along with their favorite animals.
We are excited to be making content for children using our library. With so many animals to choose from, utilizing our footage to help kids learn the alphabet was not only a rewarding project for our creative team, but a fun one as well. Our designers got the chance to work with our incredible footage of lions, zebras, dogs, elephants and many other creatures from the animal kingdom, and show the multiple uses of our green screen footage. The video was posted to view for free on YouTube so that kids can watch and enjoy everywhere.
Our team was so proud of the video that another one is already in the works. We can’t wait to show you (and your kids) what else we’ve got in store. Make sure to follow us on Twitter or like us on Facebook to see when the next video will be posted.
Click on the link to watch the video: Real Animal Alphabet
We’ve also created a children’s video for counting that uses the animals in our library, as well as Spanish versions of both the alphabet and counting videos. Visit our YouTube page, www.youtube.com/greenscreenanimals, or follow the links below to see the rest.